The Stories we Tell
Whatever you magnify takes centre stage in your life. Look elsewhere and you find a different story.
The Basis of Honor
The path that leads to divinity, beyond petty human emotions, is walked with a singular virtue. Read on.
What Could I Have Done?
Under most circumstances, we all act according to our inherent nature.
A Word on Love
To love is to make the other person at perfect ease in your presence, so they can be themselves.
The Hall of a Thousand Mirrors
Here's a beautiful story illustrating how we shape our own world and attract a certain type of people.
How to Build a New Habit
The story of the Chinese Bamboo tree has a beautiful lesson on the art of building a new habit.
Love and Hate
Love is divine, it is innate in each one of us. Hatred, on the other hand, is something we learn.
Life Beyond Worries
It is said that a swan feeds on pearls whereas the average bird settles for much less.
When They Hurt You
The various colors and waterfalls of human emotions make the river of life only more beautiful, blue and breathtaking.
The Silent Witness
When you learn to observe yourself and your thoughts, you become like incense. The more life burns you the more scent you emit.
Why do Your Plans Fail?
No matter how fascinating your dream, how great your plan, you must be in touch with reality if you want to succeed.
When will My Bad Time End?
"Why does this always happen to me?" This is the most common question people ask when tough times eclipse their lives, when adversity gnaws at their happiness.
The Greatest Spiritual Quality
What is the seed of compassion? Here's my take on the most important virtue essential to feeling compassionate.
The Eternal Truth
All living entities are constantly working towards the same truth. It's simple and penetrating. Here's my perspective.
Three Ways to Keep Your Calm
Here are three ways to steer your ship of life to a peaceful shore even when relationships are choppy.